It's Getting Hot Out Here
There's an older man that lives behind my temporary home. He's a good old southern man, very polite and always out in his yard, mowing the lawn, watering his garden. I must admit, for the ump-teenth time, that older guys do something to me. I just love to flirt with them and talk with them and tease them.
Being that it's been about 80 degrees here all week, you can imagine that all I can bare to wear outside is a pair of short shorts and a low- cut tee and a pair of flip flops.
I must admit, sometimes when I'm feeling naughty and I know he's out back, I'll go out on the porch and lean over the porch rail, showing a little cleavage, a big smile and a wave.
I probably shouldn't be so brazen - not that I'm worried that I'll get what I'm looking for (if I even knew what that was) but because he's older and always using all of this power equipment and driving lawn mowers and stuff, I'd hate for him to have an accident, while watching me harmlessly applying suntan lotion to my legs or something. But I do catch him looking ... often.
I guess I have "issues," but no matter, I know how to deal with them - I love older men and I love big strong men, and he's got the full package (at least I imagine). Plus, I'm sure it's not everyday that some sexy neighbor with no agenda and no shame flirts with this guy. He's always home so I doubt he's the type to go out cruising for babes.

I think he's sweet. And I'm hoping he's as naughty as I think he is.
My roomies are going out tonight and he lives alone, so maybe I'll take the opportunity to invite him over for a neighborly chat ... on his lap LOL. I know, you think I'm so naughty, but I can't help it when it comes to older guys, I just want to squeeze them - like they've never been squeezed for some time.
I will be on later tonight though - you can ask me about me and my neighbor when you call - unless, of course, you have something else you'd like to talk about ... and that's just fine too. I'm super sexed up today - maybe it's the full moon ... so if I were you, I'd take full advantage of me or rather my randy mood.