New Place
Well I'm almost settled in my new place - now I just have to fill it with pictures and furniture, but it's all mine. One piece of furniture I did invest in was a good bed - a very, if not the very most important piece of furniture. That's an invitation for ya'll (still talking southern with a NY accent) to try it out with me. It's super firm - I like men and my beds the same way - firm, stiff and ready for me to lay my body on it.New Year
Many of you remembered that my birthday is coming up (and let me remind you that a gentleman never asks a girl her age ... isn't it better left to the imagination?) and I think it's so sweet - thank you. It's sort of my New Year, at least the way I look at it. And as asked by some of you, I've updated my Amazon wish list. There's plenty I need and want having just moved, and it makes me smile when someone expresses a desire to help me or just give me a gift because it feels good to do so. You know how much I appreciate it - but I'd be happy to show you over and over again (tee hee).New Life
I'll be working on some more short (erotic/sexy) stories to add to my NF page. It's been a long time since I've posted anything of the sort on NF. Now that I live alone again (thank the heavens), I might even dabble in a few more audios - many of you remember "Blow" as one of my audio works of art and I've been asked to re-post it - which I will be doing soon also. Just so you know, once you purchase the audio you should be able to download it and keep it forever. Imagine having me go down on you when I'm not even around - that's how amazing I am LOL. Kidding. You guys know I'm a little humble, a little cooky and love to laugh.Today is Wednesday and I'll be home most of the day, still unpacking - I'm quirky, I have to rewash all the stuff I packed when I went down south - dishes, pots, panties, etc. (I'm not a nerdy clean freak, but I do like having a clean home and clean clothes on my body.) I also love when you take my clothes off of me - I've had so many panties ripped from my bottom, that I don't have many left, but what I do have I love them to smell Downy-fresh LOL. It's a nice hot day here, so I'm thinking of scooting over to the pool later ... so if you me miss today, here's my schedule up to Friday night:
Tonight I won't be around - I have a dinner date with a friend who wants to take me out for my birthday - but the rest of the week up to Friday night seems pretty good for being around.
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