Were there dirty old men and naughty young sluts in the 50s, 60s, 70s? I'll bet there was - they were just better at hiding it - I guess they had to. Glad it's not so taboo to be sexually expressive these days.
As for, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner," gosh, I hope that's not true. Being the bad girl, being punished or just sitting in the corner of a room, straddling a chair backwards in some sexy-hot black lace panties and thigh highs with a hot pair of 5" heels on, waiting to surprise some lucky guy seems pretty hot to me. I'd do it and I'd do it willingly. I like playing games.
Or perhaps ... a dominant and demanding teacher, putting me on my knees in the corner of the room for being bad, lifting my plaid skirt (which I still have from catholic school and it still fits pretty good, except now it's just really, really short) to grope my panties, give me a swift spanking (love that sting and the way spanking makes me wet), or sliding my panties down and taking me hard and fast - (or all of the above) - yep, that's hot too - in fact, my hips are gyrating right now just thinking about it ...
So although the movie was corny, it was also fun and sexy in its own way, but I have to disagree with the "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" line - no one asked Baby what she wanted (not that submissive girls ever get to say what they like), maybe she'd liked it in the corner ... maybe she'd like being in the corner, facing the wall with her knees bent and her legs spread - now that is the kind of Dirty Dancing I like!
If that's the kind of fun you like, we should definitely get together -
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