Friday, March 28, 2014

This Week in Ironies

Sometimes You Have to Just Give Up and Give In

I had several epiphanies this week, a couple of which I'll share with you guys.  And by the way, I am now convinced that epiphanies only happen while on that introspective, slippery slope that starts out as a night on the couch, that quickly turns into a few days, just a few days shy of clinical depression.  If you "epiphany" before you hit bottom, you've won.  So ... Winning!

No, no, not to worry boys this is all actually good news.

Epiphany #1

My writing jobs are dwindling and frankly, I haven't done much to look for more.  Hey not everyone can write for Vogue, I get that, but I've lost my direction - I don't even know what I want to write about anymore.  Copywriting is one lucrative direction, but having only had a couple of gigs and with the competition out there ... Writing articles, used to pay well and I've been lucky this past couple of years, but despite the supposed economic upturn they keep talking about, I'm still seeing a lot of business models shifting, places closing shop ... Anyway, I've had my eggs in so many baskets (no pun intended) that I've failed to concentrate on one direction. 

I've been a live action figure "ADD Ashley" - which kind of explains my submissive side.  I guess I really would like to be told what to do instead of having to make pesky decisions.  In light of that, I decided I had enough "other" work to keep me going while I figured it all out. 

I know you guys hate babbling and I promise I'm getting to the epiphany part - in fact, you are the epiphany part. 

Without adding any keywords or tags to my "Ashley's Spot" posts, without the aid of any social media promotion at all, I can't tell you how many hits I've had.  For the lack of daily posting and everything I've done wrong in the eyes of content marketing, I've still succeeded.  I have a big audience on here - and quite frankly, I'm shocked.  I've had more hits and "comments" (not published) than my writing blog that I do promote. 

And though I don't take subscribers on this blog, seeing the numbers in black and white (or was it blue and white ... whatever) it kind of made a light go off in my head.  I thought about how at least once every time I'm on NF someone mentions reading my blog and enjoying it - and again, thanks for that.

Then I started to remember the short stories I used to sell on here.  I remembered I was going to write more to keep the content fresh, but I never did - those are in the works.  In fact I found about 10 short stories that I had either started or written ideas down for that I just cast aside when I was busier writing other stuff. 

So - being a savvy girl, I know when I'm appreciated and of course, that makes me want to please you more and thereby be appreciated more ... I've decided to renew my NF/Blog/Short Story enthusiasm, the fruits of which you'll soon be noticing. 

Well - I think that's enough epiphany for one day.  I'll share my #2 epiphany with you this weekend. 

So ciao for now - hope to see you on NF later - and thanks again for your loyal readership.  In fact, to show my appreciation - everyone who calls me tonight gets 5 FREE MINUTES on me ... well, I could always get on top of course - you are the boss.  "Muah" 

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