Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lucky Girl

A Confession

You know I must admit, when I lost some of my freelance writing work I spiraled into panic mode.  I wondered how I would ever pay the rent and also I felt somehow a failure, even though I know it had nothing to do with my writing, just a change in organization.  I'm getting kind of used to that.  Most of you met me when I was still a legal secretary by day.  It's hard to believe that that gig ended two years ago last week - time flies.

But I swore I'd never sell my soul back to the 9 to 5 again, and the only reason I was able to make that vow a reality was because of NF and you. 

When we're confused and panicked we do strange things - like taking for granted the important things and overlooking what's right in front of us.  My confession is that I did that very thing with NF.

Absence - A Fond Reminder - aka Epiphany #2

I bet you thought that I forgot to share my second epiphany with you - the one I mentioned a week or so ago.  How could I?

My epiphany was that while I was scrambling around with a new PT job (that's part-time, not physical therapy LOL) I was neglecting the very substance of my true calling, the one thing I've excelled at that has brought me and my faithful NF friends pleasure, the one thing that allows me to both write and enjoy some sensual experiences - how dumb was I?  Everything I needed was right here all along.

My New Schedule

You've all been so nice and so sweet.  You've made me feel missed and wanted (and some of you have even made it sting a little as a sort of punishment for being such a fool.  I deserved it - although sitting down has become somewhat of a problem).  I've been a very naughty girl, so I'll willingly take my licks (and give a few as well).

In light of my epiphany (#2) and in light of all the positive attention and encouragement I've received lately, I realized that if I didn't get back in the game soon, I might run the risk of losing some of my more enjoyable NF friends and all of the enjoyable moments we get to spend together.  I can't and I won't let that happen.

When I heard from a few of you that you'd almost given up on me, my heart sank.  I couldn't have that.

Soooo ... beginning Monday (because this week's schedule was done and set last week) - I'm back on NF in the mornings and evenings.  You all know I don't live by a rigid schedule (tee hee, did I say rigid?) but for the most part, I should be easy (easier) to find again.

I've scheduled my new PT job for mid-afternoons, leaving mornings and evenings free and my weekends completely wide open.  Of course, I'll have to take some time in between to write, date, socialize, sleep, etc., but basically, I'm back.  Besides some of my best stories are about the escapades I've encountered while out and about, and I'm looking forward to sharing more.

Well time to do one of those "other things" I mentioned - this time, it's sleep.  See you on NF Thursday night.

Ciao for now and thanks again - "Muah"

PS:  I promise the next blog will be more humorous; I just had to say this while it was on my mind.

xo Ashley

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