What a Gloriously Sweet Life it is
I just had a call that reminded me of a subject I wanted to cover a while back. For whatever reason, it got put on the back-burner, but thankfully this particular call jolted it back into my brain (via my throat).
I'm sure that many guys, and girls for that matter, think that the life of a PSO is a marathon of lazy, luxurious fun, laying around all day engaging various orifices in various forms of play, touch, tickle and tease. And for the record - they would be wrong. Yes, I'm playing when I'm playing, but I'm not lying around in a teddy waiting for the next fuck to come along. I actually do things in my off-call times (like this blog post).
Although I enjoy bringing pleasure to people's lives through adult conversation (I've met some really smart people and some accomplished writers on here to mention a few) (because we all know that the brain is my favorite body part), I also enjoy acting. Playing parts through role play is always fun, especially if it's a subject I'm interested in as well, and being the seductive siren is always fun (see my
post from yesterday), but one thing I'm definitely not doing is lying around eating Bon-Bons in between calls.
I really hate being judged - especially when I never judge anyone else no matter what their particular fetish or proclivity. If I don't like it; I don't do it, but I don't judge anyone. If anything I'll just sweetly tell callers like that that I don't want to waste their money or time and let them go off to find what they're looking for.
There's a Method to This Madness
Today someone called. Meek and mild at first, he was just stroking his cock and I offered to take over and let him relax and enjoy. As we advanced to the next level ... I could hear what I intuitively hear almost every time I'm on a call - the real desire. I'm really good at tapping into people's fantasies and voice intonations and I do my best to make those desires come to life, but then this call took a dirty turn - it got personal.
Apparently, I'm a "dirty phone sex whore who does nothing all day but lay around and take money from men." And apparently, that's also ALL I'm good at. Really? You've known me for five minutes and you managed to come up with that in-depth, yet severely misinformed calculation? You must be a genius!
It continued for a minute or so more while I waited for him to become equally as in-tune and pick up on the fact that I wasn't really feeling the personal attack. Finally it wound up in a thumb wrestle between me and my phone's "end" button - I won. Yes, I hung up on him. Gasp!
I'm not here to hang up on people, in fact, that is the very opposite reason for my being here.
I really hate hanging up on people. I even told him by email the reason I hung up and offered to start over again, since in the beginning everything was going so well (until it took a sharp left, crash and burn drop-off turn into hell). And I really hate that I let it get to me, but I think I was an adult about it. I gave him an out and I even gave him a way back in.
While I'm writing this post, he's probably penning some scathing feedback. Which would also mean that his hard-on is now deflated because he's too busy giving this "dirty phone sex whore" a bad name. Does a name get any worse than "dirty phone sex whore?" I think not.
What he failed to tell me was that he probably packs dog food in cans by hand for a living or shovels horseshit into 40-foot trailers all day - but it's probably best, because then I'd have something to judge him about. He had the unfair advantage - he assumed he knew what I did for a "living." My NF friends know that this is not my only endeavor. Too bad Mr. Dirty didn't stop to think about that. Too bad all he wanted to do was make me feel bad. He did neither - he just pissed me off.
I just wanted to clear the record, in case he happened to find my 4x4 "Read My Blog" banner. And I wanted to clear my name. I may be a fun-loving, no-strings kind of girl, but I'm no "dirty phone sex whore." Oh, did I mention that I called him a "dirty phone sex caller" in return - yes I did. Another move not great for business, but I doubt that he'll be reporting me to the BBB.
Friday nights have never been good for me on NF, but since I'm funding a move, I've tried to add more time into my schedule. I should have listened to my numerology report that told me that anything done in the pursuit of making money this year was going to be a crap shoot, which, ironically, is also where my lovely caller put his cock right before he put it in my mouth (eewww) - I don't do that. Just goes to show you that when you compromise your standards, all bets are off.
It's a shame. And it's a shame that men and women aren't held to the same "Slut Standard." There are though, thank goodness, some men out there though who understand that girls just wanna have fun like they do. It can be sweet and romantic, or witty and engaging, it can even be downright dirty, but it should always be fun and it should never become a character assassination.
I know that there are girls on here that get into that and plenty of guys that can provide it - no judgment, it's just not me. Nowhere on my listings does it say, "I want you to make me feel like crap please." (I actually saw that on a listing once.)
Cest la vie. The phone is quiet, as I suspected on this holiday weekend. Guess I'll hit the freezer and crack open a new container of Bon-Bons and call it a night. Yeah right.
Actually, it is slow, so I'm signing off. But I'll be around later maybe. If you want me, you can always email me - I'm pretty sure I'll be checking it later.
And this is probably a really good time to let all of my regulars and all of the special people I get to meet each day are people I consider friends. No matter how kinky we get, we're all just here for a good time.