Sleeping Beauty
Remember the story of Sleeping Beauty? Well, I'm using her as an excuse to play hooky tonight from NF, but in all honesty, I'm too worn out to even work that intro into a sentence. And apparently too tired to just delete it and start this blog over. Tonight, it is what it is, bad writing and all.
Not that I'm a beauty tonight by any means. Between boxes, newspapers (which I hate to touch) and bubble wrap and packing tape, I feel like I've earned my Mover's Union stripes. Pack, lift, repeat.
I've been working and packing around the clock getting ready for a move. Of course that move is near month's end and it just happens to fall a few days before my annual weekend mountain getaway, so it's safe to say that I'm also slightly stressed. To be quite honest, I'm just worn out and I wouldn't be much fun tonight - and you know how I hate to disappoint.
So even though you may be temporarily disappointed that I'm playing hooky, you have to admit it's better than being disappointed in bed.
But this "beauty" (if you could see me now with my hair piled on top of my head and my ass cheeks hanging out of my shorts and my hands covered in newsprint) needs to take a hot, hot shower for her sore muscles and clean this moving crap up from the floor so I don't get up in the middle of the night and slip and fall, and then I'm gonna crash into my bed - so I can wake up refreshed and ready to take on tomorrow (and take on anything you got).
I hope ya'll (just trying out my new accent) will be around tomorrow or this weekend so we can play. Friday, as you may have noticed on my schedule, is up in the air. Friday morning and afternoon are out - my girls want to hang before I leave and we're praying for one last sunny, hot pool day (I need a tan). Please, please, please let there be Sun.
But since Friday's a day thing, I doubt that I'll be out all night (who knows though), so I might be here, and I'll be sure to let you know if I am.
So really, that leaves us with Thursday night, Saturday and Sunday mornings (and probably extra time) for this week. So call me. You can help me fund my move - it's a bit expensive - and I'm not cheap, but I am worth it. :)
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