Monday, April 28, 2014

The Search for "Sex" - Conquest Turned Contest


Finding Great Sex Right in Your Own Home - It's Easy

I love the search feature on my DVR - you can punch in a keyword on your remote control and find a whole plethora of shows, movies and PPVs to choose from.

Today I decided to search for "sex."  It's not my normal venue when searching for sex, but you know me, I'll try almost anything at least once - and this seemed harmless.

I don't know why I was shocked to find so many choices, but I was.

I found thousands of entries - everything from "Sex in the City" (both the show and the movies) to "Sex in the Kitty" (my title, made up - don't steal it) but you get what I mean.  From the expected to the x-rated, you can literally find "sex" all day, any day right in your own home.

I guess it's comforting to know that you don't have to go very far to find sex - ever ... no braving snow storms, no awkward pick-ups at the bar ... just type and search.  What a wonderful world we live in.

I Thought it Would be Fun

I taped a couple of the non-PPV type shows just to see what they were about.  In particular, I taped a couple of episodes of "Sex Sent me to the ER."  Interesting title.

I'm not sure how I felt about that show though because although there were some interesting stories that gave me interesting ideas, the fact that most of them ended in visits to the hospital instead of breakfast on the veranda, kind of tells you that there were some serious cringe-worthy moments that did nothing for the libido.  In fact, like most shows that involve hospitals, there were moments when I just had to look away - I get squeamish, what can I say.


My Favorite Part

They did have one feature to the show that I enjoyed - the Q&A part.  I love Q&A, multiple choice questions (although some have gotten me into trouble, but that's info for another blog post).   I'll share one of these Q&As with you - just to see what you think:

Question:  What is the most common injury that people sustain during sex?
A.  Concussion
B.  Pulled Muscle
C.  Carpet Burns

I'm not afraid to tell you, I got it wrong.  Will you get it right?

The Contest  (Monday through Friday)

So let's play a game.  Email me on NF and let me know what you think the answer is ... if you get it right, you win three (3) free minutes from me.   Since it's only Monday morning ... I'll let this contest go on until Friday morning. 

In order for you to play though, I guess you'll have to know when I'll be on ... I'm pleased to say as part of my new-found appreciation for "sex" and for NF, I'm back to AMs and PMs - the new PT job gets shoved to mid-afternoon.

I've missed my mornings and evenings on NF and I've missed playing with my dear friends.  I do appreciate that you all hung in there while I tried to figure this all out - so anyone who writes me an email and signs it "good sport" between now and Friday also gets three (3) free minutes from me.


Monday 4/28:  9 am - 12 noon 
Tuesday 4/29:  8 am - 11 am  -and-  8pm - 11pm
Thursday 5/1:  8am - 11 am  -and-  8pm - 11pm
Friday:  8:30 am - 12 noon - (oops scheduling conflict) 
Friday:  8 pm - whenever (Fridays tend to be slow, but I'm hoping to turn that around)
Saturday and Sunday - AM for sure both days - additional hours possible - Saturday night I'm going out but who knows, I may feel a little frisky after a few martinis and decide to sign on when I get home.

That should satisfy most of your requests and most importantly, it puts me back on a "normal" schedule that I can live by and work around.  I'm sure you're as happy about that as I am - it was difficult being a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda' girl. :)   


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lucky Girl

A Confession

You know I must admit, when I lost some of my freelance writing work I spiraled into panic mode.  I wondered how I would ever pay the rent and also I felt somehow a failure, even though I know it had nothing to do with my writing, just a change in organization.  I'm getting kind of used to that.  Most of you met me when I was still a legal secretary by day.  It's hard to believe that that gig ended two years ago last week - time flies.

But I swore I'd never sell my soul back to the 9 to 5 again, and the only reason I was able to make that vow a reality was because of NF and you. 

When we're confused and panicked we do strange things - like taking for granted the important things and overlooking what's right in front of us.  My confession is that I did that very thing with NF.

Absence - A Fond Reminder - aka Epiphany #2

I bet you thought that I forgot to share my second epiphany with you - the one I mentioned a week or so ago.  How could I?

My epiphany was that while I was scrambling around with a new PT job (that's part-time, not physical therapy LOL) I was neglecting the very substance of my true calling, the one thing I've excelled at that has brought me and my faithful NF friends pleasure, the one thing that allows me to both write and enjoy some sensual experiences - how dumb was I?  Everything I needed was right here all along.

My New Schedule

You've all been so nice and so sweet.  You've made me feel missed and wanted (and some of you have even made it sting a little as a sort of punishment for being such a fool.  I deserved it - although sitting down has become somewhat of a problem).  I've been a very naughty girl, so I'll willingly take my licks (and give a few as well).

In light of my epiphany (#2) and in light of all the positive attention and encouragement I've received lately, I realized that if I didn't get back in the game soon, I might run the risk of losing some of my more enjoyable NF friends and all of the enjoyable moments we get to spend together.  I can't and I won't let that happen.

When I heard from a few of you that you'd almost given up on me, my heart sank.  I couldn't have that.

Soooo ... beginning Monday (because this week's schedule was done and set last week) - I'm back on NF in the mornings and evenings.  You all know I don't live by a rigid schedule (tee hee, did I say rigid?) but for the most part, I should be easy (easier) to find again.

I've scheduled my new PT job for mid-afternoons, leaving mornings and evenings free and my weekends completely wide open.  Of course, I'll have to take some time in between to write, date, socialize, sleep, etc., but basically, I'm back.  Besides some of my best stories are about the escapades I've encountered while out and about, and I'm looking forward to sharing more.

Well time to do one of those "other things" I mentioned - this time, it's sleep.  See you on NF Thursday night.

Ciao for now and thanks again - "Muah"

PS:  I promise the next blog will be more humorous; I just had to say this while it was on my mind.

xo Ashley

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Guy Who Makes Me Grit My Teeth

But First the Weekend ...
I know you're probably saying, "Ash, who is this guy; who makes you grit your teeth?"  But really I don't have to deal with him until Monday, so first, the weekend.

Big Shocker
Friday nights on NF are not really my thing - mostly, 'cause it's not your thing.  Fridays tend to be slow.  People go out after work, or they're busy ordering pizza because ... yeah, no work tomorrow.  I totally get it.  Nevertheless, I have been known to get lucky on an occasional Friday night on NF (when I'm not out myself - told you I got it) so I've decided that tomorrow night I'll stop by NF around 8/8:30 ESDT. 

Yes, you heard it here first.  (Please hold the applause/heckles for the comment section at the end of this post.)

Since I practically live by the book - literally - the date book that is (hmmm just had a naughty role play idea), I have inked in (not penciled) Saturday AM and late afternoon (4ish) as designated NF time. 

Yes, I have it on my iPhone too, but I am definitely a lot like a guy when it comes to being a visual creature.  I have to see it in my face, as many of you will attest, in order to wrap my brain (or other body parts) around it.  People like to make fun of me for having a date book, but at least if my computer crashes, I still have a schedule and a phone.  (Hmmmm I just had an idea for a sexy story - some apocalyptic call girl service maybe.) 

As usually, I'll be on NF Sunday AM too - you all know I'm a morning girl for the most part.  Not that I have anything against the rest of the hours in a day - I don't (as some of you can also attest).

Now, About That Guy
Monday - Bonus day - for both of us - as in the collective you and me.  I'll be spending Monday morning with a guy I really have a crush on.  He's funny, kind of cute (the funny makes him even cuter).  He does make me grit my teeth, but not from nerves or being pissed off  - he's my dentist and he really makes me grit my teeth.  He likes to see his finished work. 

His fetish (because we all have one) I'm assuming would have something to do with his state-of-the-art chair that swivels like a belly dancer's hips and also bends back like and inversion table.  I've never seen or ridden anything like it.  I'm sure it's probably called the "Model S6900" (S for sports model) or something like that - maybe it's a "007" who knows, but you can tell this guy really enjoys his mechanical manipulation gadgets.  (Hmmmm ... dental chair fetish story? ... ah, it's probably already been done - then again, not by me!)  Truthfully, it's quite nice.  It's white leather (a bold choice for a dental office) and it just fits your body so nicely with a lumbar support and a nice headrest.  Hell, if you put wheels on this thing, I'd drive it home (no pun intended).  And when you're at a 45 degree angle (upside down) you get to watch the television in between the times when he's picking up a sharp object to insert into your mouth - that's when I squeeze my eyes shut, the second he swivels around in his white leather swivel chair.  (What strange word swivel is.)  So really, I don't mind going - he kind of makes me smile - in fact he requires that I fake smile and grit my teeth at the end of every session.  Whatever, it makes him happy.  Speaking of which, he should be paying me, right?  Hmmmm.

Anyway, right ... the bonus part.  Well my bonus is my beautiful pearly whites getting the extra special attention from Dr. Sexy.  .... (chirp, chirp ...)

Oh, your bonus!  Sorry.  Well being that I've been so busy lately, I decided to take the day off of my other pursuits and devote the rest of Monday to lying on my bed and just enjoying the day, writing those stories I mentioned and taking calls on NF.  So yes, I'll be here Monday too. 

Okay - well, if you haven't fainted by now, you know that I'll be here - when?  Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday early evening (a girl's gotta' get out and dance sometime).  Then again Sunday morning, but that's about it for Sunday.  And then after 12 or maybe even 11:30 am I'll be here on Monday.  

See you there I hope. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wet and Wild Wednesdays

Taking Time for Things That Matter ... Like You

How important is it to take time for ourselves?  I'll answer that - it's extremely important.

Think of how you feel after a romp in the sack ... perhaps a short nap is in order, but after that, you're exhilarated, empowered and ready to take on the world. 

Once you've satisfied your deepest physiological urges, there isn't anything that you can't do!

Well, in honor of that "must-have" feeling, I've devoted my Wednesday mornings (and evenings) to NF - in order to satisfy your mid-week pangs (and mine).

Typically, you'll find me here - Wednesday Mornings - Wednesday Evenings (after 7pm ESDT) - Thursday Evenings - (sometimes Friday evenings - that's a maybe) and for sure Saturday Mornings (sometimes Saturday Evenings) - Sunday Mornings ... and if it's a rainy Sunday ... it may turn into an all-day, all-night marathon. 

I may appear tame and quiet in public - but get me alone and unleash my wild side.

Make Me Do Naughty Things

I need lots of hot sex - and so do you - we all do.  So why not come by and feel what it's like when I suck, submit and beg you to cum inside me .... I like anything from sexy, seductive fun in bed to wet, wild and kinky submission ... the harder you make me submit, the harder I'll make your cock rock (throb, pulse, thrust and cream ... in me or on me - any way that you like it).  I'm here for you to play with.